Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If Walls Could Talk. . .

My blogging routine is all out of sorts now that I am home. My hope is to update this from time to time when something that triggers my photographic curiosity presents itself.

This particular story begins a few months back when a friend of mine took me out to her grandparents property a little south of Jackson. They live on a small farm with a horse, some goats, and chickens. The small farmhouse is charming and the goats are funny, but it was their land across from the house that most interested me. It was heavily wooded and an old barn and dilapidated house rest their creaky bones among the trees. The stories behind such structures always fascinate me. On the first visit to this area I was without my camera. Obviously, if you've read the posts preceding this one, my summer has been a little busy and I only got an opportunity to return with my camera last weekend.

I'm not really sure what the picture above is of. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Inside the main room of the house, clothes covered the floor and shoes were left by the door. The shoes sat there as if Mr. Homeowner had walked into the door and out of consideration for Mrs. Homeowner's clean floor slipped off his shoes before entering. But then the house had been abandoned; shoes still considerately placed by the door, waiting for the wearer to put them on again.

I tried not to touch anything. The house was a museum of stories and I didn't move a single article for fear of erasing the words.
This fireplace was in an adjoining room to the previous pictures. It was on the corner of the house with a porch off one side. I could see the warm flames that filled the hearth where now bricks laid.

After I took these pictures I felt the need to try some portraiture here, so I called Savannah and borrowed her for awhile. Here's a couple favorites, more are posted on my facebook.

On another note, my camera is dying. It has been acting finicky for the past 6 months or so, but since I've been back from my trip it is much worse. I need to send it off to be repaired (incidentally there is a recall on it, unrelated to my problems with it) Since I'm in photography class yet again this semester and have several portrait sessions lined up, sending my camera to Nikon is more than a little inconvenient. I'm interested in buying a new one anyways because my photography has progressed to the point where my amateur DSLR is. . . limiting. I say this to say that if anyone knows of someone selling a Nikon (I'm loyal) D700 or better (dream camera D3s). . . wait let me revise that statement: if anyone knows of someone practically giving away a full frame Nikon camera, let me know. My budget is limited.

Also, I've got my website up for anyone interested in checking it out. Let me know what you think please! nicolermccoy.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Judith Point again. . .

Well, an update for everyone: I'm home.

I have a few pictures to post from the wedding but I was so busy in FL that I really didn't get a chance to do much picture taking.

However, I did piece together a panoramic image from Judith Point. I was going to upload it to facebook but discovered it won;t let me. Pooey on facebook. Anyways, here it is, and hope you enjoy.

I'm not entirely satisfied with it. It seems a little sloppy to me but this was my first attempt at stitching together multiple images like this. I might try to redo it and see what happens.

Also, I've noticed that all the images look a little lo-rez on this blog but if you click on them they open in a separate window with better resolution.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Another down...

Another day of travel complete.

I broke my previous record going to Connecticut of six states in one day. Today I drove through seven: Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. For the most part traffic was good. I originally planned on avoiding NYC but when I consulted the traffic on my trusty Droid it looked good. And it was. Traffic moved well through NYC. Washington D.C. is another story. It was stop and go for several hours and I lost time. Oh well though. I stopped for the night in Fayetteville, NC.

I've noticed a trend in hotels having crazy carpet:

Also, Today in Baltimore, MD I drove through this ridiculously long tunnel. I videoed about the last third of the tunnel. Truthfully, I went to take a picture and realized it was in video mode, so I just went with it.

So, my internet in this Hotel isn't running fast and I'm not going to upload any more pictures. I of course have many more to show you.

I am, however, going to make a list of things I have done for the first time on this trip. I was counting them up earlier and there is quite a few.
1. Drove through 7 states in one day.
2. Taken an extended roadtrip my myself.
3. Worked at a newspaper.
4. Ate Vegan brownies.
5. Photographed Sports
(Okay, one more photo...)
6. Rode/drove a Motocross bike.
7. Went to NYC
8. First time being in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
and Delaware
9. Rode on a commuter train
10. Ate kosher Pizza. :)
I'm sure there's more but that is all that comes to mind right now. :) I'll post more pictures later, but now it is time for me to go to bed so that I can get up early and hit the road again tomorrow.