I crept away from the shore line and waded into the water as best I could to sneak up on the gulls. Actually, I wasn't that successful. The shallow water skimmed over the top of mossy smooth rocks. There was not an even foothold available and no rough surface to keep my feet from sliding out from under me: a situation made more precarious because I was wading out with one of the most expensive things I own clutched in one hand. The gulls were skittish and I got less than wonderful shots.

The beach was on the tip of Rhode Island and there was a Coast Guard post there along with a working lighthouse and fog horn. I'm sure the fog horn was working becasue it was foggy and the horn LOUDLY warned passing ships. I stood in front of it for a little too long and the vibrations from it made me squeezy. Again with this picture I held my camera closer to the water than was probably wise. If I lived by water I would definitely invest in a water-tight case.

I hung out and enjoyed the sun all afternoon. But then a storm began to approach. Many people packed up their gear and headed out. I, however, found a good spot to stop and watch the clouds and rain roll in. And then of course I had to take pictures.
The clouds really began to darken...

I'm planning on stitching some pictures together to compensate for the lack of a decent wide angle lens. I'll post those later. It's bedtime now.
So I had a lovely day. Tomorrow I am New York City bound. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post as long as I'm not too tired to get them on here. I almost didn't put these up, but I've been doing so awful with keeping up with this.
By the way, thanks to everyone who is actually reading. I appreciate it!
Love the pics. Sounds like your having a blast.